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Polar Bear Recap – Karlton Cafe

Sunday, March 13th, 2022
Today was another “seasonable” day … snow-covered and drifting roads again for the breakfast run – cue in breakfast hut on Jan 30 … temps in the teens. 
We had 6 for breakfast and we all sat and talked and waited for a rider to appear .. In fact as Kerry and I were reflecting that we’d never been shut out, and with minutes to spare, f@%kiing A showed up, or at least that’s how he signed in !  On 2nd glace it was none other than our own Harry Knerr. Now, provided he shows up next week he will be the lone rider with perfect attendance and the only rider with 21 polar bear seasons completed 
NOW FOR AN ANNOUNCEMENT – next Saturday is the awards ceremony at Classic and it is also their Colo-Rectal Cancer Awareness Event , topped off with the UNDIE 500. There may be some of you who have the months and the minimum attendance BUT STILL NEED POINTS to earn your Polar Bear . Have no fear ( or maybe a little fear) for Kerry and I have the solution. For each lap ridden in your “Undies or PJ’s” participating in the Undie 500 event, we’ll award you 200 points to your polar bear qualification. NOW SINCE Polar Bear is an Extreme Event miles will only be awarded to those who ride the laps in shorts/short sleeves, PJ’s, or Undies (if your brave enough) Classic will throw in an event T-Shirt for your effort 
Thanks to everyone who showed up today 
Kerry and Kevin

Polar Bear Recap Shaylors Brewing Company

Saturday, March 5th, 2022

was a great day for a ride ! Sunshine and seasonable temps. We’re winding down the season with just one more destination ride and then the awards… We filled up the bar and a few tables. Had a nice group with 22 on bikes and 4 who came via vehicle. The staff did a great job and all the food I saw looked delicious!  to date we still have 4 with perfect attendance 
 ALSO don’t forget the T-Shirts this will be a one-time run of shirts. Dave Weik will have a sign-up sheet at the meeting. Orders will be taken until the awards banquet 
Thanks Again to all who came out today
 Kerry and Kevin

Polar Bear Recap -Snuzzles

Saturday, February 19th, 2022
Was a nice seasonable ride to Snuzzles with temps just below freezing … most folks hung out for a drink and some food … we had 21 today with 18 on bikes, 4 still with perfect attendance ..
was above freezing most of the way home for me … however while headed north I saw a few plow trucks on the side of the roads  … had a snow squall blow in about 8-10 miles from home conditions went from wet to snow-covered with high winds  in a matter of minutes but I made it in safely… hopefully everyone else did too  
We’re down to just a couple of more destinations left this season …
Thanks to all who showed up today
Kerry and Kevin 

Winter Dinner at the Wickwards

Saturday, February 5th, 2022


It was a nice cool day for a ride with temps in the mid 20’s .. upon arriving we were greeted with a polar bear that must have scared someone given the mud tracks leading away! Walking around back we were greeted with 2 fire pits to warm up and a nice assortment of hot food for lunch and a couple of snow flurries .. we had a total of 15 people today but only 13 counted for polar bear .. we still have 4 with perfect attendance 

 A huge thanks to Don and Kelly for hosting us today  
Thanks to all who came out 
  Kerry and Kevin

Polar Bear Recap- Breakfast Hut

Monday, January 31st, 2022

It was a cold one setting out this morning in the single digits .. while some of us had drifting problems and chose to arrive on 4 wheels we had 8 riders show up and 5 of them decided to eat with the 9 others who came by vehicle.. we had such a good time we didn’t take any pictures this week .. Perfect attendance dropped to 4 and the ride home was in the low teens 

Thanks to everyone who showed up and had breakfast it was good to see everyone! 
 Kerry and Kevin

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