Archive for December, 2020...

Polar Bear Recap – The Westy

Sunday, December 20th, 2020
Well, today was polar bear weather for sure ! I saw temps in the teens headed down and a balmy 28 headed home … However, a beautiful day for a ride, and looks like 19 other folks agreed with us … It was refreshing to sit inside for a bite to eat and socialize… Anyway, we had 16 folks arrive on bikes and 5 show up in their daily driver… Now for perfect attendance, we are now down to 14
Thanks Again to All who showed up and hung around…
Our next Polar Bear is New Year’s Day…
Until then we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 
See you in 21′
Kerry and Kevin

Protected: Newsletter December 2020

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

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Polar Bear Recap Shirley’s Tequila Bar

Sunday, December 6th, 2020

Wow-what a day for a ride … Sunny weather and mid 30’s to low 40’s
made for a great ride … a lot of folks agreed with us as we had 45
members on bikes, 1 on 4 wheels, and a guest rider Rodney.
Once again we seemed to fill the place up with only a few not staying
as of today, we are down to 27 with perfect attendance!

Thanks Again to all who came out today
Kerry and Kevin


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