Archive for March, 2023...

Polar Bear Recap Final Destination #14

Saturday, March 25th, 2023
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Hello Fellow Polar Bear,

It was a cold rainy ride to our 14th and final Polar Bear destination. We had 7 members arrive at Classic HD for check-in. There were 7 riders and no passengers. I can’t understand why exactly. There was a large group of members who arrived to receive their Polar Bear Year Patch at the awards program.

A BIG THANKS’ goes out to Kevin Kodz and the Classic HD team for sponsoring the awards and the free lunch (who says there is no such thing as a free lunch) from J.R.’S Brisket and BBQ. Their brisket and pulled pork is some of the best. Apparently, their beans were a big hit also because they ran out close to the end of the day. It probably was a good thing that everyone left the building soon after the awards, if you know what I mean.  

Below are the standings for the three recognized categories.

TOTAL POINTS: (the sum of points earned for sign-in plus miles ridden)
3. 8,816 – Harry Knerr
2. 9,837 – Todd Rimmer
1. 10,255 – George Miller

Steve Smith
Todd Rimmer
George Miller

MOST MILES RIDDEN: (listing a few people’s mileage for Polar Bear Season)
8. 2,230 – Dave Bletz
7. 2,357 John Fuller
6. 2,863 – Scott Wagner
5. 3,765 – Steve Smith
4. 5,378 – Kevin Blevins
3. 5,981 – Todd Rimmer
2. 6,066 – Harry Knerr
1. 6,405 – George Miller
Todd and I would like to thank everyone for attending the destinations and supporting Berks HOG Polar Bear Program. We hope that you all enjoyed the destinations as much as we did. We have all new destinations picked for next years program.

The next Polar Bear event and destination will be in November. The forecast as of now will be mostly sunny and a high of 60 degrees.

Hope to see you at the start of Polar Bear Season 2023-2024
George M and Todd R

Polar Bear Recap Destination #13

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

Hello Fellow Polar Bear,

It was a cold damp ride to our 13th Polar Bear destination. We had 11 members arrive at The Little Oley Tavern for check-in. There were 9 riders and 2 passengers.

The next Polar Bear event and destination is Saturday, March 25th at Classic HD. Sign-in time is12 – 2 PM.  This is the last event for the 2022-2023 Polar Bear Season. The forecast as of now will be cloudy with rain showers and a high of 58 degrees. I am sure that will change to sunny and 60 degrees. 

There are 3 people with perfect attendance. 

Hope to see you at the destination
George M and Todd R

Protected: March 2023 Newsletter

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

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Polar Bear Recap Destination #12

Saturday, March 4th, 2023


Hello Fellow Polar Bear,

Luck has been on our side to have another nice day for a ride to our 12 th Polar Bear destination. We had 17 members arrive at The Penquin Hotel for check-in. There were 15 riders and 2 passengers. The food was excellent and the Penquin was glad to see so many Polar Bears. 

The next Polar Bear event and destination is Saturday, March 11at the Little Oley Tavern. Sign-in time is 11:30AM-12:30PM. The forecast as of now will be mostly cloudy with rain showers and a high of 44 degrees.. 


There are 3 people with perfect attendance. 

Hope to see you at the destination
George M and Todd R



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