Archive for July, 2022...
RECAP – MADE: July 30 to Black Rock Brewing in Pottsville
Saturday, July 30th, 2022Hello –
What a spectacular day to get out and ride with good friends. 75 at KSU and 81 on the ride home. Not a cloud in the sky!
All 10 Bikes and 14 Bikers arrived without mishap or misdirection. Shew!
No Bread Crums needed on this expertly coordinated Ride to Black Rock Brewing in downtown Pottsville. 🙂
For those who did not attend, you might want to check out this destination for lunch sometime.
The food was excellent and delivered with great conversation from the Manager Zack.
Zack enjoyed our shenanigans as well and donated a Black Rock T-Shirt which we raffled off to lucky number 13 – Ron Smith
A very heart felt thank you too all for Riding along.
It gives great pleasure to see my fellow Hog’ers having so much fun as a result of our efforts as RoadCaptN.
And a BIG thank you to Jim and JoAnn for the suggestion!!!
This will definitely be a rerun.
RoadCaptN – Todd
PS – Please keep those suggestions coming 🙂
RECAP – Guy Fieri’s Mt Pocono Kitchen
Sunday, July 24th, 2022So 10 Berks County PA H.O.G. members on 8 Harley-Davidson motorcycles decided it was better to ride today than to stay home and do chores.
Temperatures on the way up hovered around 83 and the route that Steve Smith provided offered a nice spattering of shade along the way. At one of those shady areas, the temperature dropped 5 degrees.
Traffic was no busier than a normal Saturday. With all the back roads we took to wiggle our way up to Mount Airy Casino, we wouldn’t have encountered that much any way.
The food was delicious.
Temperatures on the way home were a weeeeee bit warmer at 93, but it didn’t feel that humid, which helped.
Thanks to Steve for the route and thanks to the members who joined me and Kim for today’s ride.
Ride and Have FUN!!
Don Wickward
WWW Hayloft Recap
Wednesday, July 13th, 2022
We had 12 people ride from Classic and another 5 meet us at Hayloft Ice Cream. The weather was perfect and the views were very scenic, cruising through the farms of Berks county. Kevin Moyer won the gift card.
Thanks to everyone who was able make it out.