Polar Bear Sign-in Recap

Sunday, November 13th, 2022
Hello Fellow Polar Bear,

GOOD NEWS: we have 47 people with perfect attendance.

BAD NEWS: Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow yesterday, so we will have 20 more weeks of cold weather.

RECAP: It was a warm 64 degree, sunny day to start the Polar Bear season. 40 riders and 7 passengers rode to Classic for the first Polar Bear sign-in. Classic HD supplied free food and refreshments for the event. The refreshments were served up by no other than the world traveler, Matt Jackson. Classic HD also had a special 30% one day discount coupon for the occasion. As always members arrived well before the window of 12-1sign-in time and hung around well after to socialize and enjoy the last of the warm weather.

The next Polar Bear event and destination is Sunday, Nov 20 at the Fredericksburg Eagle Hotel. Sign-in time is 12-1. The forecast as of now will be 42 degrees and sunny. This will put everyone more into the Polar Bear spirit.

Todd and I would like to thank the members that attended and Classic HD for making the kick-off to the Polar Bear Season yet another fun time.

Hope to see yawl next Sunday,

George M & Todd R 

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