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Polar Bear Recap -Saucony Creek

Saturday, February 22nd, 2020

What a great day for some riding ! I saw low 40’s headed to Saucony Creek and mid to upper 40’s headed back …
We’ve had great weather this season so far … lets keep our fingers crossed
today we really filled the place up with the folks arriving later having to wait to eat . Speaking of which I think almost everyone stayed and had something to eat. 
so here are the stats we had 42 riders and passengers come out and at least 1 person on 4 wheels 
we still have 6 folks with perfect attendance!
Thanks Again to all who came out today !
Kerry and Kevin

Polar bear recap Ozgoods

Sunday, February 9th, 2020
Was a nice day for a Ride … some flurries in the early am but just some brisk sunny weather in the high 30’s and low 40’s

 We had a total of 31 riders and passengers show up today with most staying to have a bite to eat and socialize..
 We have 6 with perfect attendance with 4 rides and the awards left in the season
Thanks to all who showed up today !
Kerry and Kevin    

1/19/2020 winter ride-Hannahoe

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

Santa & MDA kids -more pics

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

2019 HOG awards

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

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