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Chubbys – MADE – Recap

Saturday, July 3rd, 2021
We had 6 bikes and 8 people for a dry, albeit cloudy at times, ride to Chubbys.  Good food and good riding.   


Anniversary Ride to Lewes via Cape May Ferry 2021

Monday, June 28th, 2021
We have 11 people ride down with the group, 3 people met us at the restaurant, and yes Miss Dorothy was there for the festivities and shenanigans. Rod and Deb were kind enough to open up their house for people to stay overnight. All in all it was a good trip. I think everybody had a fun time, and everybody made it home safe. The poker card winner was Greg Knies he won a $50 gift card from Classic Harley Davison.

The Palm Tavern Ride Recap

Saturday, June 19th, 2021

We had 6 bikes and 9 people leave from WAWA for an hour and 15 minute ride to the Palm Tavern. Two more showed up on bikes directly at the location.  The food was really good and the drinks were refreshing.  

WWW – Espositos Restaurant and Pizza – Poker Ride

Thursday, June 3rd, 2021
Recap: WWW ride to Esposito’s in Reading was a fun event. We had 12 people on the ride. 9 bikes and 3 passengers. Another 12 went direct to the location for a total of 24. Vicky Fuller won the gift card.




Ice Shack pics 5/12

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021
Thanks to everyone who came out for the ride tonight to the Ice Shack in Myerstown.  We had 18 people (12 bikes) ride from the dealership and another 14 people (32 total) meet us at the location.

The weather was clear, cool, and sunny; perfect riding weather.   Check the website for pictures.


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